The biggest fish in the sea faces some big challenges. Marine pollution, entanglement in fishing nets, and boat strikes all contribute to the whale shark’s declining population, landing them on the IUCN Red List as an Endangered species. Because of their size and open-ocean habitats, whale sharks are also among the most difficult animals to study in the wild. That’s where Conscious Step partner Georgia Aquarium comes in to help!
Georgia Aquarium leads groundbreaking research and conservation efforts, both in their facility and in the ocean, to expand the scientific community’s understanding of these gentle giants. By studying their health, behavior, and migration patterns, researchers gain valuable insights that contribute to the protection of whale sharks in the wild.
Since 2004, Georgia Aquarium’s field research has tracked over 1,000 whale sharks that gather off the Yucatán Peninsula, the largest known aggregation of its kind. Using satellite tags, aerial surveys, and photo identification software, scientists have made significant discoveries, but many questions remain about the specifics of mating and reproduction, which likely occur in deep waters far beyond human observation. This ongoing research is a crucial first step in uncovering these mysteries.

Georgia Aquarium is the only aquarium in the Western Hemisphere to house majestic whale sharks, serving as the perfect research opportunity. Aquarium veterinary staff and researchers continue to study the growth, behavior, health, and genetics of the whale sharks in their Ocean Voyager exhibit. They are actually one of only 5 aquariums licensed as a Class R research facility under the Animal Welfare Act, which is the highest standard of establishing ethical review of animal research for advanced scientific understanding. The whale sharks at Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta also inspire millions of visitors each year to create personal connections with whale sharks, thus furthering the awareness and conservation of whale sharks in the ocean!
By partnering with Georgia Aquarium, we’re helping to ensure a brighter future for whale sharks everywhere. Every breakthrough in research brings us closer to understanding and protecting these gentle giants, helping turn the tides for the species. Support their research and make waves for these magnificent, mysterious creatures with this exclusive pair!
And yes, they’re sharks. Not whales.