Ah, the ocean! Just thinking about it brings to mind sunny beach days, the soothing sound of waves crashing on the shore, and the incredible array of marine life that call it home. There’s even evidence that exposure to blue spaces is better for your mental health! There's something undeniably magical about our oceans, which is why it's important to remember that the oceans need our love and care in return. By partnering with Oceana, we’re helping protect and restore these valuable ecosystems, both for their wildlife and for the ocean-lovers of the future.
Oceana is the largest international advocacy organization focused solely on ocean conservation. They lead campaigns that achieve major outcomes for the oceans, leveraging law, science, grassroots activism, advocacy, and strategic communications to win policy change around the world. A few of their ongoing campaigns include reducing plastic pollution, stopping offshore drilling, promoting responsible fishing and increasing ocean biodiversity and abundance in order to feed the world.
One campaign that directly impacts the animals in our collection (like dolphins, turtles, sharks, and more) is their work reducing bycatch from the global fishing industry. Vulnerable animals can get stuck in fishing nets and are unfortunately killed or injured as a non-target catch, but through gear and regulation changes, that number can be cut down significantly. Oceana also was involved in historic legislation passed in December 2022 that banned the buying and selling of shark fins in the U.S., which was a major win for the health of the species. Through all of their campaigns, Oceana has won over 300 victories and helped protect nearly 4 million square miles of ocean. Think of all of the animals that call those 4 million square miles home!

Oceana’s campaigns have helped shape our company, too. Their mission to reduce plastic waste is one of the many reasons we changed our sock ingredients to minimize polyester content, using only recycled materials when necessary. And we’ve worked to remove unnecessary, unrecyclable plastics from our shipping materials as well to help save our oceans. All of this is done on top of our contributions from sales of our Restore Oceans collection. Ready to dive in and make a splash for our oceans this summer? Check it out for yourself!