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Imagine a farm where the soil is rich and fertile, crops are thriving, the air is fresh, and shade is always just a few steps away. This idyllic scene isn't just a farmer's dream—it's a reality that can be cultivated by planting trees! Something you might not know about our tree-planting partnership with Trees for the Future is that every tree planted does more than just filter more carbon: they protect the planet, end hunger, and end poverty. All of this is thanks to their Forest Garden Approach. 

Trees are the unsung heroes of agriculture, providing shade, improving soil health, and creating habitats for beneficial wildlife. Regenerative farming using trees restores soil organic matter and biodiversity – resulting in more carbon dioxide being captured in the earth and an improved water cycle. Forest gardens are one way to achieve these benefits, while also providing nutritious food that feeds families and provides economic opportunity. Trees for the Future educates and empowers families in developing countries, helping them reclaim land with plants and trees that will thrive in their backyards. 

By diversifying crops, you are not only promoting healthier soil, but also providing access to diverse, nutrient-rich meals for farming families all year round. And in addition to being able to sell off their surplus fruits and vegetables, many forest gardeners have been known to start businesses selling seeds and seedlings, honey, soap, timber, and more! TREES is currently working with thousands of farming families across five countries in sub-Saharan Africa, but over their 30+ year history, they’ve worked all around the globe planting change. 

As of April 2024, Trees for the Future has planted 350 million trees around the world, impacted 304,000 people, and restored 100,338 acres of land! And we at Conscious Step are proud to have helped plant 703,194 of those. So let’s keep those green thumbs busy and see just how high we can make that number grow—one tree at a time and one step at a time—with every item in our collection that plants trees!  
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